Articles & Presentations

“Tasting Room & Wine Club Survey Provides Benchmarks,” Vineyard & Winery Management, Mar-Apr 2014.
To help direct-to-consumer sales managers understand how the performance of their wineries compares to others in key operational metrics of business success. Click to download: Tasting Room & Wine Club Survey Provides Benchmarks Mar-Apr 2014

“Winery Metrics,” DTC Wine Symposium presentation 2013.
Customer metrics (from professional, unbiased, statistically relevant, benchmarkable and actionable surveys) drive Operational metrics (tasting room, wine club, etc.) which drive business success. You can’t manage the customer relationship experience unless you measure it. Click to download: Winery Metrics 2013 DTC Wine Symposium

“Winery Metrics,” Wine Business Insider, January 30, 2012.
Brian Baker says “There is little publicly available information on winery DTC performance, and this survey collects real, useful data in a confidential manner and shows wineries how they rank against each other,” Click to download: Winery Metrics – Wine Business Insider Jan 30, 2012

“Winery Metrics,” DTC Wine Symposium presentation 2012.
The inaugural research project of the DTC Wine Symposium to compare your winery’s DTC metrics against your peers,
with complete confidentiality. Click to download: Winery Metrics 2012 DTC Wine Symposium

“Survey Sez…Tips for better winery survey design,” 2010 Wine Club Summit Conference & Trade Show. The opportunities and problems in creating your own tasting room, wine club or winery brand survey. Click to download: Survey Sez…Tips for better tasting room, wine club or winery brand survey design

“Closing the Loop on Loyalty,” Marketing Management; Spring 1999.
The key to strategy is understanding the customer’s perception of value. The key metric is loyalty.
Click here to download

“What Marketing Wants the CEO to Know,” Marketing Management; September/October 2003.
Create a business success scorecard for brand and marketing programs that helps you allocate marketing spending and set target metrics in support of revenue growth.
Click here to download

“Is Offshoring Really Cheaper,” Call Center Magazine; January 2004.
Determine the profit impact of customer satisfaction changes.
Click here to download


Other Presentations and Workshops

Ross Goodwin and Brad Ball have presented at numerous conferences over the last decade. Two examples:

“Measuring and Diagnosing Business Success”
IIR Conference on Marketing, March 2006, Las Vegas NV.
Click here to download

“A Step-by-Step Approach to Survey Design, Validation and Implementation” [1-day workshop]
IIR 6th Annual Customer Satisfaction Surveys Conference, May 2002, Orlando FL.

Click to download:

Step-by-Step Approach to Survey Design, Validation and Implementation – Part 1

Step-by-Step Approach to Survey Design, Validation and Implementation – Part 2

Step-by-Step Approach to Survey Design, Validation and Implementation – Part 3

Step-by-Step Approach to Survey Design, Validation and Implementation – Part 4

Step-by-Step Approach to Survey Design, Validation and Implementation – Part 5